
g0v Introduction

g0v.tw is an online community that pushes information transparency, focusing on developing information platform and tools for the citizens to participate in society. Substituting the “o” with “0″ in gov, the new “g0v” not only stands for rethinking the role that the government plays from the bottom up, but also represents the world view of 0 and 1 in the digital natives generation. Based on the spirit of open source, g0v cares about freedom of speech and open data, writing code to provide citizens the easy-to-use information service. The transparency of information can help citizens to have a better understanding on how the government works, to understand the issues faster and to avoid media monopoly, so they can monitor the government more efficiently, and become involved in actions and finally deepen the quality of democracy.

g0v about

Origin of g0v

In 2012, when the government released an advertisement of its Economic Power-Up Plan. Unsatisfied with government’s asymmetrical and non-transparent attitude, Wu became skeptical about its policy executing efficiency and direction. As a result, he and his friends together founded g0v.tw, and in December of the same year, the organization launched its first event, named “g0v.tw hackath0n” which attracted more than expected number of participants, and this online community officially started.


g0v.tw has a great variety of contributors, including web developers, high-classed programmers from famous coporation (like Google, Apple, Yahoo, HTC, Canonical, Mediatek, Trend and etc.), elite hackers, professors, NGO/NPO activist, students, writers, artist, designers and other professionals from every aspect. People gather here to share his or hers expertise, learn together and generate meaningful results. Everyone is always welcomed to join g0v.tw with passion and a devoted attitude.

g0v 的推動方式

g0v.tw 的推動結合線上與實體,以各種網路工具加上兩個月一次的黑客松(註)工作坊,參與者自主提出專案邀集不同專業者加入,透過 g0v.tw 的實體、線上平台媒合各方資源,協作出專案成果,不定期會舉辦小型黑客松工作坊。分散式的組織強調自主參與的能量,鼓勵大家找出問題、提出解決方案、參與討論分享資源,以實作代替按讚。

(註:「黑客松」hackathon 即 hacker's marathon,是自主參加的密集合作活動,通常在一到兩天的限定時間內由提案、分組、工作、成果報告都自發加入,許多提案在活動前展開線上討論,當天實體活動迅速整合,能在短時間衝刺出初步成果。)

除了以 barcamp/unconference 形式的黑客松活動,社群活動類型也越來越多樣,包括年會、研討會、課程、演講等。想了解近期 g0v 活動資訊,請前往活動資訊、及演講訊息

g0v 的發展

從開源社群協作開始,零時政府也逐漸與政府、學界、非政府組織、及國際相關機構合作,提出政策建言、合作開設大學課程、實際與 NGO 工作者嘗試新的運動工具與模式,並串連國際科技公民力量,將成果以及開源協作的文化擴散到各領域。近期社群各項發展,可參考即時更新的 g0v 公報共筆區