
Culture of g0v

The community of g0v is full of freedom and decentralized. Projects are started and ran by self-motivated community members. Works are proposed, participated, and cooperated voluntarily. All the activities are not mandatory. "Ask not why nobody is doing this. You are 'nobody'." is the motto of g0v. Because "nobody" is omnipotent. Many of g0v members came from open source community. We encourage Open Source/Creative Common License, therefore knowledge sharing could enhance more contribution. What are the greatest momentum of the community? Look into social issue with the kind of spirit, analyze the problem, then come up with a revolution-by-information proposal. Welcome to join this dynamite.

Participate as different character

Perspectives from various profession is necessary to build a new citizen information project. Programmers, issue followers(i.g. NGO, NPO, citizen reporters, independent media), designers, writers, artists, and PTTers are able to contribute their strength to projects. Please refer to My role in hackathon


與 g0v 溝通


  1. 簽到:
  2. 找想法:
  3. facebook上的【g0v 後勤中心】也不時有成員發文討論相關議題、專案激盪、徵人糾團。請不要害羞,大膽主動出擊。

  4. 實際參與【黑客松工作坊】。平均兩個月舉辦一次,通常選在週六 0900-1800 進行。平日不定期會舉辦迷你黑客松,常在週四、週五晚間舉行。

  5. 這裡有些 g0v 社群常用的工具介紹,投入工作前請先了解。

How to start a new project, or take a job

  1. Start a new project:

  2. g0v refrence data:

  3. Start a project, or join the work team.
  4. Start some code, and add to【Project Entrance】

Become g0v project

Project which is open source, can be g0v project, can list on project list, use g0v CIS, can apply for conference schedules。Here to know more about Open source and License information.

Project Life Cycle

g0v is a project incubation platform, which also hopes to constantly develop and maintain the works, and the following ways are to extend the life cycle: