
From across Taiwan

g0v.tw is a community that advocates transparency of information, also known as open data. We are passionate coders, designers, activists, educators, writers and citizens from across Taiwan. Through working together to bring data into the open, we hope to build a better Taiwan for its citizens. To join g0v, all you need is to be ready and willing to use your expertise or energy for our cause.

Freedom of Speech and Information Transparency

Built on the spirit of the open-source community, g0v stands for freedom of speech and information transparency. We aim to use technology in the interest of the public good, allowing citizens easy access to vital information. Opening up and making data public allows the people of Taiwan to take a closer look at politics and important issues. This gives them the tools needed to evaluate their government and exert their democratic right to decide how politicians act.

Independent and Transparent

We cooperate through our website, g0v.tw, and through open platforms, such as IRC, hackpad and github, among others. Our work is also done through open events, such as our “hackathons”. Everything we produce — source code, documents, formulas, analyses and processes — is made available for anyone to view, react to, use and improve.

Sanguine on Fostering Change

At g0v, we love to seek out problems and explore solutions. Further, we are willing to take action to implement these solutions. Through various types of cooperation, we multiply the impact and creativity of our ideas. We aim to bring about change and are not willing to resort to cynicism or apathy.

Liquid Democracy

g0v doesn’t have a leader or spokesperson. We are a liquid democracy. Participants decide what to work on and are at the heart of our communal culture. Using Liquid Democracy techniques, our community makes decisions on important issues and strategic direction.

If you’re interested, Join us

Our community is grassroots: we are non-partisan, unbiased and not for sale. You can contribute to our hackathons with your skills, ideas, time or donations, or provide support for specific projects.

You’re Next

If you like what you’ve read, head to g0v.tw to share your project ideas, offer help or let us know how you want society to change. We welcome you to join us in using technology to change society for the better.